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White Knight Dark Horse does not sell horses, but rather adopts/forsters them out to suitable and approved homes. Our adoptions/foster homes are intended to be for the life of the horse and not until such time is no longer suitable to the purpose for which it was originally adopted/fostered.



Please read before proceeding to our available horses.

Horses cannot be resold, rehomed or bred and should the need arise and you are no longer able to care for these animals they must be returned to WKDHRR.

  Return Your WKDHRR: If you are no longer able to keep your horse for any reason and must return it, send us a written notice via email with a minimum of 60 days notice (although the more notice the better), each horse must have a negative coggins test done (all horses must have a current negative coggins test), and have shots records available (all horses must have a current Rabies, 4/5 Way and West Nile vaccinations).

Each potential adopter/foster is required to fill out an Adoption/Foster Application which must be approved before any horse will be adopted/fostered and is good for one year once its approved.

Adopters/Fosters are required to sign and abide by our adoption contract.

Must be at least 18 years of age with no history of animal abuse or neglect.



SEEING A HORSE -- Horses are shown to prospective adopters by appointment only. Please do not show up at any of our Ranches without an appointment and/or unannounced. Trespassing on any property is not allowed. If you would like to see one of our horses, please email us to schedule an appointment.


FOSTER HOMES -- We rely heavily on our foster homes and could always use more. If you would like to foster a horse, please email us for more information. NOTE: Actual expenses related directly to the care of your foster horse are tax deducible. Foster homes are required to submit a year end itemized statement with original receipts. Some of our "companion only" horses are eligible for foster care.


HORSE SPONSORS -- All WKDHRR horses could use a sponsor. Sponsors help off-set the costs of maintaining the horse while at a foster ranch. Sponsor donations are tax deducible. 


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